Frequently Asked Questions

Where and how do I get my blood collected?

All bodymapping blood testing is taken as a venous sample from a vein by a trained phlebotomist at a nationwide series of clinics. These clinics are independent and are in no way related to the bodymapping clinic, they are approved by Nationwide Pathology, the laboratory that the bodymapping clinic uses for the majority of its testing.

Some blood testing services offer finger prick tests at home, these can be clinically less reliable than venous samples for some testing.

If you would like to find out before joining as a member or booking a consultation, where the nearest blood collection clinic is, then please call Nationwide Pathology at +44 (0)1858 571322 and explain that you plan to work with Dr Bazlinton at the bodymapping clinic. They will be able to give you an idea of how far you will need to travel for blood collection, they can also tell you if home collection is a possibility.

How do I access the bodymapping health tracker?

Access to the bodymapping health trackersignup is via a membership package. Once you have subscribed to a membership package your order email will contain a sign up link to the bodymapping health and data portal. If you appear not to have received this order email please check your junk mail.

Why can’t I just buy an individual blood test?

There are lot’s of providers selling blood testing direct to the public. At bodymapping we believe that you get the best value out of blood testing when it is accompanied by the expert review of an experienced functional medical practitioner. We therefore offer exceptional value in our blood testing prices in order that you might afford 1-1 support. This support is provided via 1-1 video consultations and via the bodymapping health tracker.

Can I just book a consultation, or do I have to buy a membership package first?

Yes, you can, but the bodymapping 6-month health tracker membership offers better value. Book here for pay-as-you-go consultations.

If I am an allied healthcare professional, can I refer clients to the bodymapping clinic for blood testing and clinical advice?

Yes! We are happy to accept referrals from other healthcare professionals who would like to access blood testing and advice regarding their clients progress and future management plans. To do this we would ask that you complete the referral form by clicking on the button below. Please advise your client to purchase a bodymapping 6-month health tracker membership. Your client will receive a FREE 20-minute onboarding call as part of their package and access to the bodymapping health tracker.

If your client wishes they can then share their results with you securely via the health tracker, a web-based portal that allows your client to track their health. If you are interested in becoming a bodymapping clinical partner we can offer you FREE access to the portal, where with your clients’ permission you can access their data directly from the portal. Please indicate your interest when you complete the form below.